Make your Council Budget go further
Virtual Agents Save You Money Processing Resident Enquiries
Don't wish you could make your budget go further
Stretch it.
Something here
Try the calculator below.  It's based on multiple analyses we've performed over the last few years and will give you a feel for the costs savings an implementation should deliver for you.  We do the calculation differently for the 2 roles as they have different concerns & requirements.
We have based our costings algorithm on the experience we have to date building business cases for Virtual Agents, but also on the Gartner Benchmarks to Assess Customer Service Costs.  Click here to see this Gartner study.
Different roles have different concerns & success criteria and we aim to present the benefits of Virtual Agents in a way that means something to you.
Tell us how many calls you receive for this category in a year.
What percentage of calls do you want to divert to Virtual Agents?  Enter this value as a fraction e.g. for 20% enter 20, 50% enter 50 and so forth.
Power Up your Business
Reduce costs & increase capacity at the same time with our tried and tested Digital Workers
Power Up your Business
Reduce costs & increase capacity at the same time with our tried and tested Digital Workers