Fighting climate change
One the Humanity's greatest challenges is to reduce the amount of carbon released into the environment. Our children and grandchildren will be the ones dealing with excessive temperatures, flooding and the salination of fresh water as global temperatures rise if we fail to do this. We at OAS, just like every other person on this planet, have a part to play in this global initiative.
Robotic automation benefits the climate by automating processes that were previously highly manual. Prior to automation, more staff would be required to physically attend offices, burning fossil fuels to travel, ensuring offices are kept warm (or cool) and of course the maintenance and development of office space.
By using Robotic Process Automation (“RPA”) to remove mundane repetitive tasks from staff, the office floor space occupied could be reduced leading to a significantly lower carbon footprint. Less travel means less emissions from vehicles.
As an employer, Outsource Automated Solutions Ltd is a non-office-based company. This means no regular commute leading to traffic pollution or the need to control the temperature of large office spaces. It also reduces the demand for large commercial expanses, leaving more room for nature to flourish.
We can liberate your employees from mundane work, giving them more interesting, vibrant roles to play in your organisation’s future and help save the planet at the same time.
We all need to ensure our children and grandchildren have a stable, liveable environment in the future and OAS are proud to play our part in this.
Covid-19 Recovery
Robotic process automation has been key in supporting organisations and businesses to recover from the impacts of COVID-19. It has enabled new ways of working and strengthened service resilience by automating processes that would have stopped due to a reduced workforce because of COVID-19. By automating repetitive manual tasks, less staff need to be in the office which provides for better social distancing and care for those shielding. Following the loss of staff due to lockdowns, Outsource Automated Solutions (OAS) have helped companies with thei recovery by automating recruitment processes to get the businesses back on their feet. OAS has also worked with Health organisations to make patient pathways more efficient reducing the time to care.
As a non-office-based company, Outsource Automated Solutions Ltd are able to accommodate shielding staff by enabling them to work from home whilst maintaining social distancing.
Tackling Economic Inequality
Outsource Automation Solutions Ltd create opportunities for entrepreneurship and help new, small organisations and public sector to access cost effective robotic process automation to help them grow, supporting economic growth and business creation whilst levelling the field with bigger organisations who have more capital to invest in expensive automation tools.
As a fully remote based company, we employ people from all areas of the UK regardless of geography or whether they are in an economically deprived area. There are no obstacles to working for OAS.
Outsource Automation Solutions Ltd, pledges to ensure that our organisation and supply chain are free from slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to improving, monitoring, and maintaining best practice by adopting a zero-tolerance approach throughout all aspects of our organisation.
Equal Opportunity
Outsource Automation Solutions actively promote the support of in-work progression to help people, including those from disadvantaged or minority groups, to move into higher paid work by developing new skills relevant to the contract.
As a fully remote based company, we are able to employ people from all backgrounds regardless of geography, status, gender or disability giving a diversity of people opportunities without hindrance.
Outsource Automation Solutions respects and encourages employees to take adopt a balanced work life balance which includes care of their mental health and physical activities.
All our staff work remotely from the comfort of their homes enabling a better work life balance. We support a variety of schemes for wellbeing including flexible working hours, starting the day with a virtual commute, be it a walk, run or cycle, and the use of standing desks and walking machines during the day.