Stretch your Budget
Budgets are being squeezed but Virtual Agents can make your budgets go further

Reduce Costs In Your Business
We help you reduce your Customer services costs & achieve higher performance
  • We can automate your processes and save you money

    Trying to keep processing costs under control can be overwhelming

  • Staff bill going up? Want more resources but can't afford them?

    6% salary growth Feb to April 2024 ONS published growth figures

  • Are you in a position to hire but can't  find the right staff?

    More than half of businesses who reported a worker shortage were unable to meet demands (ONS, 2024)

  • So given these pressures how do you beat your competition?

    We help you stay competitive - for the long term

  • We automate your processes and you reduce your costs

    The use of Automation can cut your processing costs by up to 50%

We built a calculator that calculates how much you could save for a variety of the most common resident enquiries.  There's no commitment, just click below and we'll take you to the calculator!
We can work with you to automate your business processes
It is hard to keep costs down and offer value for money to your Customers.  Its even harder to make a profit at the same time.

We can help you automate your processes quickly and easily at no up front cost and you only pay for the work performed by the automations we build.

It can be the fastest way to improve efficiency and productivity across every area of your organisation.

Automation reduces the repetitive bit vital tasks humans have to do by relegating those tasks to Robots, which usually means a better experience for customers, reduced error rates, improved compliance, and lower stress for teams.  For more information on what Process Outsourcing is and how it works check out the video below.

Faster, Faster
Digital Workers do work 7 days a week, and up to 23 hours a day.  Humans don't.  Digital Workers never get sick, never take holidays, and never get bored.  Imagine a Digital workforce relentlessly completing work day after day flawlessly
Lower Cost
Automating your processes results in a lower cost to run the process than just using human labour.  If processes are chosen wisely you can drop your costs for the automated processes by 30-40%
Eliminate Backlogs
Its easy to see how your backlogs can be eliminated quickly using automation.  We all have SLAs in our processes.  Automating your processes can make SLAs meaningless as all your work is completed the day you receive it
Delight your Customers
Make your Customer your new best friend by always completing work right first time and on time - Every Time.
We can work with you to automate your business processes - see how with the video below
It is hard to keep costs down and offer value for money to your Customers.  Its even harder to make a profit at the same time.

We can help you automate your processes quickly and easily at no up front cost and you only pay for the work performed by the automations we build.

It can be the fastest way to improve efficiency and productivity across every area of your organisation.

Automation reduces the repetitive bit vital tasks humans have to do by relegating those tasks to Robots, which usually means a better experience for customers, reduced error rates, improved compliance, and lower stress for teams.  For more information on what Process Outsourcing is and how it works check out the video below.

Lower Cost
Automating your processes results in a lower cost to run the process than just using human labour.  If processes are chosen wisely you can drop your costs for the automated processes by 30-40%
Faster, Faster
Digital Workers do work 7 days a week, and up to 23 hours a day.  Humans don't.  Digital Workers never get sick, never take holidays, and never get bored.  Imagine a Digital workforce relentlessly completing work day after day flawlessly
Eliminate Backlogs
Its easy to see how your backlogs can be eliminated quickly using automation.  We all have SLAs in our processes.  Automating your processes can make SLAs meaningless as all your work is completed the day you receive it
Delight your Customers
Make your Customer your new best friend by always completing work right first time and on time - Every Time.

Success in Numbers

Automations built by us in Production on our various customer platforms
NHS Trusts in England & Wales working with OAS
Customer Satisfaction rating in 2023 & 2024
Do your Competitors undercut you and you're not sure how they do it?
  If you are in this situation and you are NOT automating this could be the key reason.  Automated processes require less staff & deliver completed work much quicker than human workers.  Digital Workers make few mistakes with a transformational increase in right-first-time completion of work.  Your staff have more time to work on true high-value activities that offer a better Customer experience and add significant value to your organisation.

We have a 3-Step Plan to get your first automation running in weeks
Step 1: Agree a process
Once we have made contact we can have an initial session discussing the process you want to automate.   We discuss in detail the process you wish to automate and we work with you to ensure it is going to deliver the benefits you require.
Once this is done we agree the transaction fee (TF) for items processed and the duration of the agreement.

Step 2: Build the Automation
We specify in detail with your experts on the process what actually need to be performed by the automation and 
Step 3:Test and Deploy
We know the automated process will generate a good return to the business.  We agree a Transaction Fee which is essentially a cost for each work item to be processed, a minimum volume per month and a duration - how long the contract is to run for.  At this point the Customer signs the agreement which will start at the end of the build and test phases in Step 4 as we move the automation into a production setting.
Do your Competitors undercut you and you're not sure how they do it?
  If you are in this situation and you are NOT automating this could be the key reason.  Automated processes require less staff & deliver completed work much quicker than human workers.  Digital Workers make few mistakes with a transformational increase in right-first-time completion of work.  Your staff have more time to work on true high-value activities that offer a better Customer experience and add significant value to your organisation.

We have a 5-Step Plan to get your first automation running in weeks
Step 2: Business Case
Each automation should generate a significant return to the business - taking into consideration the transaction fee for each item.  We do a detailed set of calculations that gives you the confidence that automating this process is worthwhile.  We do on occasion find that the process can be automated but may not generate the return we are looking for.  If this is the case we will be the firs to tell you.
Step 1: Initial Discovery
Once we have made contact we can have an initial session about your process.  This involves a conversation with an expert who works the process involved. We take a high level look at volumes of work, applications used, the time taken to process the work and any other factors associated with the process.  This information will give us a good idea as to the likely return expected by automating the process.
Step 3:

We know the automated process will generate a good return to the business.  We agree a Transaction Fee which is essentially a cost for each work item to be processed, a minimum volume per month and a duration - how long the contract is to run for.  At this point the Customer signs the agreement which will start at the end of the build and test phases in Step 4 as we move the automation into a production setting.
Step 4: Design & Build
Now we work with your team to understand the detailed  requirements and design for your your automation and  then build it.  The build time is of course dependent on the size of the automation, the number of applications used etc.  We will estimate the completion date of the automation so you can get your team ready to test it when its ready.  We will define a highly structured path to testing so we ensure it will operate exactly as per your requirements time and time again.  You work with us to process cases with this new automation to ensure all requirements are known and the automation does what it is supposed to do.
Step 5: Deploy Automation
Once successfully tested we are ready to start using this automation properly!  Together we will schedule the times the automation operates, train your staff in how to review the reporting output we provide & monitor the output closely to ensure we are completely happy with the performance.  We may make the odd tweak here and there to make sure you are completely satisfied.  That's your process automated!
So what's next?
Another process you want to automate?
Power Up your Business
Reduce costs & increase capacity at the same time with our tried and tested Digital Workers
Power Up your Business
Reduce costs & increase capacity at the same time with our tried and tested Digital Workers